
para todas as peças que não escrevi (das incandescências esquecidas)

incandescências esquecidas. uma retrospectiva de 2024 por amilton de azevedo. o ruína acesa integra o projeto arquipélago de fomento à crítica.

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incapturabilidade como vingança

crítica de “A Bailarina Fantasma”, com Verônica Santos; encenação e instalação cênica de Wagner Antônio e dramaturgia de Dione Carlos

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crítica de “Autoexame de corpo de delito – cantata para adiar a morte”, ideia original de Lucienne Guedes. o ruína acesa faz parte do projeto arquipélago.

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cinema, destaque, reflexões, teatro

testemunhos, narrativas e acontecimentos

reflexão a partir dos solos “Aquele Trem” e “Selvageria: o nascimento do outro”, da Cia. DesaFRONTe (apresentados na Mostra Solo Mulheres do Teatro de Contêiner Munguzá), do filme “O acontecimento”, de Audrey Diwan (baseado no livro homônimo de Annie Ernaux) e do debate promovido pela revista CLAUDIA, editora Fósforo, Reserva Cultural e Livraria no Reserva no dia 12 de julho de 2022.

english, teatro

the borders within

critical review of “Borders” (“Grenzen”) by Cat Smits Company (Netherlands). work presented during the 10th International Festival of Puppetry Schools PUPPETNOPUPPET (LALKANIELALKA) in Bialystok, Poland, on June 2022. this text is written by amilton de azevedo within the context of the Puppet Theater Criticism Workshop offered by the International Association of Theater Critics (IATC).

english, teatro

the art of loving and destroying oneself

critical review of “Romance” (Romans) by Natalia Sakowicz (Poland). work presented during the 10th International Festival of Puppetry Schools PUPPETNOPUPPET (LALKANIELALKA) in Bialystok, Poland, on June 2022. this text is written by amilton de azevedo within the context of the Puppet Theater Criticism Workshop offered by the International Association of Theater Critics (IATC).

english, teatro

the stage as a forest

critical review of “What grows in the park” (“Kto rośnie w parku) by students from Kyiv National Ivan Karpovich Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University (Ukraine). work presented during the 10th International Festival of Puppetry Schools PUPPETNOPUPPET (LALKANIELALKA) in Bialystok, Poland, on June 2022. this text is written by amilton de azevedo within the context of the Puppet Theater Criticism Workshop offered by the International Association of Theater Critics (IATC).

english, teatro

the stage as an ocean

critical review of Biba Fish (Ryba Biba) by Teatr Fraktal (Poland). work presented during the 10th International Festival of Puppetry Schools PUPPETNOPUPPET (LALKANIELALKA) in Bialystok, Poland, on June 2022. this text is written by amilton de azevedo within the context of the Puppet Theater Criticism Workshop offered by the International Association of Theater Critics (AITC).

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